OPINION | Views expressed in this article reflect the author's opinion.

With the Republican takeover of the House, Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy has warned the anti-Trump January 6th Select Committee to preserve all records and transcripts.

McCarthy is hinting that the GOP carry out their own investigation into Nancy Pelosi and Liz Cheney’s political witch hunt against President Donald Trump.

“You’ve spent a year and a half and millions of taxpayers’ dollars conducting this investigation,” McCarthy said.

“It is imperative that all information collected be preserved not just for institutional prerogatives but for transparency to the American people,” McCarthy wrote in a letter to Mississippi Democrat Congressman, Rep. Bennie Thompson.

It’s widely believed that a thorough investigation into the Jan. 6th committee will reveal the truth about Cheney and others working behind closed doors to undermine a former president.

“The American people have a right to know that the allegations you have made are supported by the facts.” ​McCarthy wrote in the letter.

McCarthy also says he intends to investigate why the “Capitol complex was not secure” on Jan. 6, 2021.

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“The official Congressional Records do not belong to you or any member, but to the American people, and they are owed all of the information you gathered — not merely the information that comports with your political agenda,” he wrote.

He added that “some reports suggest that entire swaths of findings will be left out of the Committee’s final report.” Citing a Washington Post report in which 15 former and current committee staffers accused the committee’s Vice chairwoman, Liz Cheney of pushing to focus the committee report primarily on former President Donald Trump. Cheney was one of the only two Republicans on the committee and a long-time anti-Trump Republican.

“We all came from prestigious jobs, dropping what we were doing because we were told this would be an important fact-finding investigation that would inform the public,” one former committee staffer told the Washington Post. “But when [the committee] became a Cheney 2024 campaign, many of us became discouraged.”

The January 6th Committee is continuing its ongoing investigation and conducting interviews with witnesses and will release its final report in December.

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