OPINION | Views expressed in this article reflect the author's opinion.

CNN host Don Lemon was demoted in September 2022 after eight long years appearing on the primetime show called “Don Lemon Tonight.”

CNN boss Chris Licht vowed to make significant changes and move the network in a new direction that avoids extreme bias and an obvious political agenda.

Despite Licht’s best efforts, this hasn’t swayed Lemon in the slightest bit from refusing to push his radical left-wing views on air.

Lemon invited Democrat John Fetterman and asked a simple question about whether he had a message for new Twitter boss Elon Musk.

John Fetterman proceeded to ramble incoherently for roughly 30 seconds.

In response to Don Lemon, Fetterman says, “I just am really just about just saying that I just want to make sure that we use your enormous, your enormous power to just make sure that we don’t have the kind of platform where we push those kinds of theories.”

It’s unclear what kind of “theories” Fetterman doesn’t want floating around on Twitter.

Fetterman continues, “I’m just grateful for the opportunity to just say that given that we have this opportunity, just using the platform to really be about a force of good.”

One person commented that the segment is “painful to watch.”

Another person asked, “Who can we put Fetterman in a room with that will make him look smart?”

Another person said, “I cant even turn on CNN anymore without throwing up in my mouth a little.”

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Democrat John Fetterman was elected to be a U.S. Senator by the voters of Pennsylvania.

He previously served as lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania from 2019 to 2023 as well as the mayor of Braddock, Pennsylvania from 2006 to 2019.

Fetterman ran on a platform that supports free healthcare as a right, criminal justice reform, abolishing capital punishment, raising the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour, and legalizing cannabis.

He won the Democratic nomination with 59% of the vote and went on to defeat Republican Party nominee Dr. Mehmet Oz.

Fetterman won 51% of the vote and became the first Democrat to win this seat since 1962. He was sworn into the U.S. Senate on January 3, 2023.