OPINION | Views expressed in this article reflect the author's opinion.

DC Comics appears to have gone “woke” by pushing the false left-wing claim that men can become pregnant.

In the latest chapter of the Joker’s story in DC Comics, the male character Joker gets pregnant. The series “The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing” is about when the Joker actually gives birth.

This latest issue explained how the joker wanted an heir. He wanted the super-heroine Zatanna to start a family with him.

Zatanna is a magic user who can cast spells by speaking in reverse, and when she learns of the Joker’s plan, she is not happy, so she casts a spell on him.

Zatanna’s spell will make sure that “no one else will ever have his baby.”

The spell causes the joker to become pregnant and have his own baby.

In the comic, you can see Joker and the son looking at each other and each thinking, “he’s s handsome.”

“The latest issue of ‘The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing’ comic book features a scene where The Joker—a MAN—becomes pregnant, said GOP candidate Robby Starbuck.

“That’s NOT how it works! I am calling for a Complete & Total BOYCOTT of The Joker until further notice. What’s next, a fully-electric Batmobile?!” said GOP candidate Robby Starbuck.