OPINION | Views expressed in this article reflect the author's opinion.

Singer Demi Lovato is in hot water after she released a disturbing cover album.

In the photo, she appears to be tied up in a bondage-style outfit while laying on a large crucifix.

Some Christians are saying the artwork is offensive to their faith.

Lovato’s eighth album is titled “Holy Fvck.”

In the United Kingdom, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has banned Lovato’s racy cover art from appearing as posters in the country.

The ban was placed because of Lovato’s clothing and her positioning of a “mattress shaped like a crucifix.”

The ASA determined it was “reminiscent of Christ on the cross” because of her legs being crossed in one direction.

This, combined “with the reference to ‘holy fvck,’ which in that context was likely to be viewed as linking sexuality to the sacred symbol of the crucifix and the crucifixion,” was offensive.

Polydor Records, who produced the cover, also said they conferred with the agency that it was “acceptable to run on the proposed sites.”

The ad is not to appear again “in the form complained of unless it was suitably targeted.”

Universal Music Operation Ltd. was warned to not promote offensive ads in the future.

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