OPINION | Views expressed in this article reflect the author's opinion.

Political commentator Megyn Kelly was spotted in Miami wearing a MAGA-style hat that read “Make Women Female Again.”

This instantly sparked a stir on social media as Kelly doubled down on her position in the ongoing culture war with far-left transgender activists.

Kelly shared a photo of herself while poolside next to a friend. “Best hat in Miami!” one person responded.

The hat is available with free shipping from Young Conservatives LLC at $18.

“Amen on the hat!” another person responded.

Kelly captioned her photo: “Thank you for a HUGE week on the @MegynKellyShow. In Miami celebrating our friend’s 50th & looking fwd to another great week of shows starting Monday.”

“Great hat! I want one!” another user tweeted.

More on this story via NY Post:

The host of “The Megyn Kelly Show” tweeted soon after she posted the pic that the hat was from an e-commerce site called Adult Human Female created by Kellie Jay-Keen — whose website proclaims “2023 is the year of the TERF,” or “trans exclusionary radical feminist.”

The image of Kelly wearing the MAGA-adjacent hat was reposted to Twitter by Ron Filipkowski, a criminal defense attorney who monitors the far right on his platform.

He also added a screenshotted 2016 tweet from then-presidential candidate Trump as a reply to the image in which Trump wrote: “Everybody should boycott the @megynkelly show. Never worth watching. Always a hit on Trump! She is sick, & the most overrated person on tv.”

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“A walk down memory lane,” Filipkowski captioned the screenshot.

The comments below his repost of Kelly’s photo were in stark contrast to those below the radio host’s original tweet.