OPINION | Views expressed in this article reflect the author's opinion.
via UC Berkeley School of Law on Youtube

University of California Berkeley law professor Steven Davidoff Solomon has criticized his own students for supporting “antisemitic conduct” on campus.

In an op-ed published in the Wall Street Journal, Solomon stated that if employers do not want to hire individuals who advocate hate and practice discrimination, they should not hire some of his students.

Solomon’s criticism comes in the wake of a national conversation sparked by Harvard Law students being linked to anti-Israel activist groups.

“My students are largely engaged and well-prepared, and I regularly recommend them to legal employers,” Solomon wrote in an op-ed published in the Wall Street Journal Sunday.

“But if you don’t want to hire people who advocate hate and practice discrimination, don’t hire some of my students. Anti-Semitic conduct is nothing new on university campuses, including here at Berkeley.”

Solomon also condemned a student group at Berkeley, Law Students for Justice in Palestine, for advocating a bylaw that banned supporters of Israel from speaking at events.

He called for legal employers to exercise discretion in the hiring process and not hire students who endorse hate or anti-Semitism.

In response, the Assistant Dean of Communications at Berkeley Law stated that faculty members have the right to express their views, but their opinions do not represent the institution.

Hundreds of Harvard faculty members said they were “deeply concerned about the events in the Middle East, as well as the safety of our students here on campus” in the letter to Harvard President Claudine Gay.

“In contrast, while terrorists were still killing Israelis in their homes, 35 Harvard student organizations wrote that they hold ‘the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence,’ with not a single word denouncing the horrific acts by Hamas,” according to the letter.

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