OPINION | Views expressed in this article reflect the author's opinion.
via 7NEWS Australia

The Tides Center, a left-of-center nonprofit, is providing support to several groups that justify Hamas’ attacks on Israeli civilians and accuse Israel of genocide.

These groups, which receive fiscal sponsorship from Tides, praise Hamas and organize protests against Israel.

Tides’ involvement in the anti-Israel movement extends beyond fiscal sponsorship, as the Tides Foundation has granted funds to organizations pushing the narrative of Israeli genocide. (Trending: Chilling Update On Biden Bribery Scheme)

Some of these groups, such as IfNotNow, have organized protests and faced arrests.

“Tides maintains a list of its fiscally sponsored projects on its website, which includes the Adalah Justice Project,” the report found.

“That organization posted an image to its Instagram page on the day of Hamas’ terrorist attacks featuring a bulldozer tearing down a section of Israel’s border fence,” the report added. (Trending: Biden Completely Botches Iconic American Quote)

“Israeli colonizers believed they could indefinitely trap two million people in an open-air prison … no cage goes unchallenged,” the caption on the image read.

“The natural reaction to colonization and oppression is resistance,” another section of the caption read.

“We can not expect Palestinians to passively accept ethnic cleansing, indefinite imprisonment without charges, a 17-year siege, ongoing and endless military occupation, and the deep segregation and indignity of apartheid,” an Oct. 8 post from Adalah reads.

“The natural consequence to colonization and oppression is resistance,” the post continued.

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Despite requests for comment, none of the mentioned groups or Tides responded.

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