OPINION | Views expressed in this article reflect the author's opinion.
via NBC News

A recent poll conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) found that President Joe Biden’s favorability among Americans is at a four-year low.

Only 37 percent of Americans hold a favorable view of Biden, while 60 percent hold an unfavorable view.

His favorability among Democrats is 80 percent, but only 32 percent of them view him very favorably. (Trending: Chilling Update On Biden Bribery Scheme)

Among independents and Republicans, his favorability is much lower.

The poll was conducted from August 25-30 and had a margin of error of 2.1 points.

These findings come at a time when Biden is facing various challenges, including the Afghan withdrawal, inflation, gas prices, and border issues.

Additionally, there are ongoing concerns about his family’s business dealings, with allegations of money laundering.

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