OPINION | Views expressed in this article reflect the author's opinion.
via Forbes

A federal judge who granted an injunction against Florida’s law restricting Chinese nationals from purchasing land has a history of legal activism.

Judge Nancy Abudu, who recently began serving on the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, previously worked for over a decade with liberal legal organizations like the ACLU and Southern Poverty Law Center.

In her concurring opinion on the Florida case, she argued the law established a blanket ban and was discriminatory.

However, the law did contain exceptions, allowing some Chinese citizens to purchase residential property.

Abudu’s judicial nomination was delayed for nearly a year due to opposition from Republicans and Democrat Joe Manchin, who argued her activism made her unfit for a lifetime judicial appointment.

“Chinese citizens aren’t even really banned from buying land: Those with non-tourist visas can buy a residential property so long as it’s five miles away from a military base and smaller than two acres,” one report noted.

“With Americans’ faith in our courts at historic lows, now is not the time to confirm partisan advocates to lifetime appointments — especially to our circuit courts,” a spokesperson for Senate Democrat Joe Manchin stated.

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